The Challenges of London Rodent Control

Rodents like mice and rats pose a serious risk to health, cause structural damage, and gnaw through wires which can lead to fires. They can also spread diseases through droppings, fleas and their gnawing habit. These rodents are also able to climb, and so can access places that are hard to reach. It is important to act quickly if you discover signs of mice or rats and get in touch with an expert. At JG, our trained pest control experts can quickly identify the extent of an infestat


ion, and then take swift and targeted action to eradicate it.

Rodents are a common problem in the urban environment. They are attracted to the city as it provides an abundance of food, water and shelter. The city’s climate, with cold winters and humid summers, is perfect for rat and mouse reproduction, and the density of the buildings offers ideal harbourage and hiding places. The city’s streets and alleyways provide a maze of tunnels which can be used to move between areas, and the busy human lifestyle provides a constant food source for pests.

The urban environment can be a challenge for pest control, and this is particularly true in London. A specialised approach is needed, including preventative measures, targeted treatments, and monitoring to achieve effective pest control. It is important that pest control companies have a good understanding of the city’s unique challenges in order to develop tailored services that are efficient and effective.

Despite the best efforts of many homeowners, severe or recurrent rat infestations can only be dealt with by a specialist pest control company. Pest control technicians are fully qualified, have extensive experience and the training to tackle all types of rodent infestations. They can use a wide range of traps, bait boxes and other tools and techniques to effectively eliminate the problem in the shortest possible time.

In addition to the standard mouse and rat traps, there are other effective baits available that do not involve poison, including peanut butter, cheese or even fruit. However, it is important to ensure that these baits are placed in a way that does not entice other animals into the trap, and that they are checked regularly.

It is also important to consider the long term impact of any baits and traps. In particular, the use of anticoagulant rodenticides can be harmful to other wildlife such as birds, squirrels and voles. This is why it is always recommended to use the least toxic methods of control where possible.

There are a number of other things that you can do to help with your London rodent control, and these include removing their harbourage – remove anything they are under or behind; block holes with stone, cement/concrete or ferrous metal; erect Barn Owl and Tawny Owl nestboxes; be tolerant of Foxes and encourage them to hunt the rodents. It is also a good idea to keep your garden clear of rubbish, and to encourage natural predators by providing food, such as wild bird seed.